Monday, February 15, 2016

Spring update

Flowers everywhere!

Carrot harvest 

What plant is this?? 

Volunteer broccoli says "I volunteer for tribute" 

Brussel sprouts, totally pathetic. 

Curry plant, cost 20 to get here. It smells ok I guess, not the best, a bit disappointed to be honest. 

Green lentils are maturing, so cute, I love this plant, looks so beautiful with dainty flowers. 

Cola plant smells Devine. Southern wormwood, and my dog shandy loves to chrome it too. 

Chufa nuts coming up. Aka tiger but or yellow nut sedge. 

Lemon tree still keeps on keeping on 

Olives are happening

Weird my parsley turned red... 

Took forever to seperate the compost from the fence, I didn't want the fence to decompose!! One day I will turn it over and water it. 

Finally I have blueberries 

Striking hotel- pepino and olive herb and pizza thyme

I'm keen on using cardboard to limit my weed responsibilities 

Planted up some mints and herbs near the birds, will add bird snacks in pots next. 

Getting a bigger harvest than usual, at least I can keep up with my kale now. I use the Brussel sprouts as wraps a lot as they are round. 

Brussel wraps 

My gorgeous terrarium that I was gifted by my lovely bf and I have tended to lovingly. 

Had a few poppies this year. 

Newspaper pot seedlings, water from below.

Native bed or hover fly? I say bee.

All from garden including daikon soeghetti except sesame, salmon and sauce. 

Turnip in ground


Daikon looks like dr Zeus character 

Mid February update

Weird white growth on aloe. Aloe does not like full sun or too much water.

Main veggie patch is looking sparce 

Some plants are taking over in the containers though.

Strawberry spinach is blushing 

A lot of the others died. 

Lettuce is doing ok and strawberry is setting out runners. Everything is bolted. 
Time to plant new seeds. Got a handful of strawberries this year.

Bee is buzzing about the oregano as I type this.

Things are recovering ok after a few hot days. Today is nice and cool.

Malabar has gone crazy!

Tomato recovering from wilt. Cucamelons are so slow this year!!!

A lot of tomatoes are turning yellow and dropping leaves, bottom up.

Blueberry too. I think it's iron deficiency. 

You can see my beloved winter savoury died as I repotted  it.

Only surviving pepino melon so far.

Beautiful indigo rose thriving.

You might glimpse some cape gooseberry lanterns forming. Dead strawberries spinach and nearly dead chamomile.

Stevia is always thirsty in this pot, it is not hardy for desert themed pots, so I must move it. The olive plant went to seed and half died. 

Bike shed pots, doing just ok. 

Grape has a black mould, ad might peek the oca and nasturtium. 

Mangle wurtzel and volunteer broad beans. Catch a glimpse of the pepino and yacon. Bean climbers throughout did not do well at all.