Black Salsify
Summer Savoury
Salad Burnet
Asparagus Winged Pea
lucerne (green manure)
Toothache Plant
Tiger Nut (chufa)
crimson forest onion
tomatoes- stupice, snow white, yellow pear, green zebra, ...
Mouse melon (didn't get any mildew or wilting, lots of produce! Delicious)
Borage (already self seeded)
Vermicompost Tower, (doing very well)
Australian yellow stuffing (or another yellow, like snow white-gotta keep the birds and harlequins away)
Basil (will focus on producing more)
Lentil- as a cover crop!
Mushoom Herb (Only a few small harvests, but DELICIOUS)
Grape Leaves (Plenty, yum! but half got a black mould, birds ate grapes)
Southern Wormwood (LOVE the scent and tea, barely making it past winter...)
Parsley (more than we will ever need, but it's lovely!)
Nasturtium (2 plants were not enough! Mother loved it, so did leaf miners, bees had a taste, will plant about 4+ next time, hopefully more colours)
Olive Tree (Plenty for canning!)
Purple Broccoli (last year made half our needs, this year nothing yet despite planting double. Keeping 1 for bee flowers)
Sunchoke (delicious roasted, made a nice amount)
Chinese Celery (HEAPS- too much, good in soups. Might dig up some, seriously too much, but attracts lots of carpet beetles and crab spiders and such beneficial insects like hover flies)
Rocket (Bolted fast, need to keep making resows of it.)
Stevia (only if it overwinters, here's hoping!) IT DID!
Olive Plant (leaving it in, it's ok to eat, wont die anyway!)
Apricot (WAY too much! I personally would graft the nectarine to this and heavily prune because too much shade and i'm not even fond of the tart stone fruit it produces but my parents disagree)
Oregano (I'll keep it but i don't remember harvesting it because it seemed wooly)
Pineapple sage (flowers are nice, leaves not so much, will keep because it is thriving)
Compost Heap (didn't break down much but was ok, made for some efficacious dark chunky soil.)
Roman Chamomile (swapping for some noble chamomile)
Other Kales (Curly, Red russian)- it's just not really worth watering as no one likes the taste, maybe a handful instead of a handful of each kind, I'd rather plant cover crops.
Roots. Turnips (1) (They just don't produce in a pot, i'll try in ground - worked!)
Tom Thumb Lettuce (12 were just enough, delish! and grew well, will try a straight leafed butterhead this time for ease of washing and larger size)
Tigerella (might try get some pale ones because the birds beat us to most of our red ones!- also truss style for more harvest)
Strawberry Spinach (heat killed it)
Capsicum (seedlings are now about 1.5 years old by spring, they never died in winter, nor did they take off in spring weirdly enough, stayed 5cm tall for 6+ months, only at 20cm now!)- died at the end of winter, i forgot to water them and they were in a shady spot.
Nigella - still haven't managed to germinate ONE! :(
Dark Opal Basil (1. Colour)
Sweet Max Corn (3 and 3 mini ones - I planted too late)
Sunflowers (only in full sun! and Early! Also gotta keep the harlequins away)
Dill - (I HAVE to because we have a vine and love making dolmades!!!)
Snow Peas (the birds will not let out, they can't grow! :'( so yummy though )
Purple King Bean (didn't fruit much because planted late, but nice and colourful!)
Silver Beet (birds wont stop munching new growth, father likes it in soup)
Tomatoes (many succumbed to blossom end rot. Need one that needs less water, also green-white-orange so birds don't get them)
Mints (only to deter rodents really...and occasional use for fish or beverages)
Strawberry (Now that the mother plant is older it is putting out an outrageous amount of flowers! Hopefully this year is the year! Low pollination rate though)
Boisenberry (Few handfuls, hate it but mother loves it)
Persimmon (2- but it was young)
Nectarine (growing because mother loves it, the fruit is usually inferior)
Fig (1, birds took the rest, also in shade, hopefully this year it reaches above the roof)
Marrow - Just 1 plant. The only cucurbit I will try (other than mouse melon) in a pot with reservoir.
Chives- to flower
Mangle Wurtzel
Hamberg Parsley
Lady Fingers Carrot
White River globe onion
Various root veggies
-----------Not Planting:
Chia (barely survived and made 1tsp seeds)
Valerian (I hear it smells like socks)
Amaranth (Not yummy and too much effort/shade inducing)
Perino (WAY too small to warrant watering)
Dinosaur Kale (hate the taste, once they die, no more!)
Cornflower - (they are a nice flower, bees don't care for it, neither do I)
Black Nightshade (they produce but are scary to eat)
Georgia Southern Collard - Basically like eating a broccoli leaf, not really worth the space
Marrow (1 fruit) - but will plant 1 in a pot with reservoir and treat mildew early
Zucchini (3 fruit)
Rosella (too late, died)
Eggplant (not enough sun or water)
Mimosa (finally grew to a decent size but wet feet and cold weather killed it. Pretty happy to give up on this or use it as a novelty if i can be bothered)
Watermelon (2 out of 3 plants made 1 viable fruit)
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